Wednesday, December 7, 2011

For Chandler's class Christmas Party he is to bring the non-food
treat.  How does someone who enjoys her food so much make
something that doesn't involve a little somethin somethin to munch on?

While reading one of my all time favorite blogs The Crazy Farmers Wife
(I want to be just like her when I grow up, the funny part of that is when I
was a teen I always said I would NEVER want to live on a farm when I was
 older) anyways back to Non-Food Treats, I was reading her blog and she had
shown these popcorn snowman.  I could not wait to make them...I made
the wrapper on printshop, chalked cheeks, cut out a nose, and drew on eyes
 and mouth, and last used a pair of gloves as the hat.  I think they turned out
so cute.  Thinking we might have to make them for Sunday School Classes. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

This years Singing Christmas Tree was nothing but amazing once
again.  "While You Were Sleeping" the story of Christ's life was
told through Nathanael's son Joseph.  Joseph was staying with his
Uncle and Aunt whom did not believe that the Messiah had come
yet.  The story line was of a couple who missed what God wanted to give
 them; who looked at events around them with open eyes, but saw nothing. 

Could you miss Christ even when he is all around?  Don't let the things of the
world keep you from Heavenly Father.  Don't be one who is sleeping, but be
awake and aware and receptive for all God wants to give us. 
A great message for us as we go into the Christmas Season. 

I am so thankful we have made this family tradition to go to the
Singing Christmas Tree, not to only see a baby in a manger but the
work of Christ while he was on earth, his death, and resurrection.  It is
important to me that my boys understand the reason Christ, the Son
of God, came to earth.  It was for each one of us.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today we woke to the ground covered in beautiful fluffy snow, and Daddy
was on his way home!  It was a perfect day to go get our live Christmas Tree.
We have not had one since the famous "Fallin Tree of 2003" ok so maybe it
was push over by a little boy-but we won't name any names.  Right RILEY!
We went out to Hines Pines Tree Farm just outside of Cozad. 
I am so thankful that this was the weekend that worked best for us,
with the fresh first snow of the year on the ground.

 I have so many great memories of going out in the field and getting
our family Christmas Tree growning up.  Oh Christmas Cow...a classic
Chandler Family Song or sledding and hitting a tree...Mom flying off. 
I want to be able to make these kind of memories with my boys.

Though there was so many great choices this was THE ONE!

Friday, December 2, 2011

After blog surfing my night away (I should really be looking for a program
and get help) I found how to make lotion and had to try this for myself-lotion
for REALLY dry skin.  We have that issue in this house between the dry
weather, cracked feet, and a few of my daycare babies with eczema. 
The gal said that it was so wonderful she uses it even as her night cream. 
It sounded to easy and figured if it was not any good I'm not out anything. 
 1-20 oz Johnson's Baby Bedtime Lotion
1-13 oz Petroleum Jelly
8 oz Vitamin E Skin Cream

Dump and mix altogether really well. 
It ends up being super fluffy and light. 

This lotion is WONDERFUL, no I just need to go find a
pretty jar to store it in.  This would be great for a baby gift or for a child
to make for Grandma for Christmas, just remember to take a little off the
top for yourself, you are going to LOVE IT!