Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Full "STEAM" Ahead...

When you are part of this house TRAINS are a big part of your life. The daycare boys are wild about trains just as much as my boys were. Joe called last night to say that the steam train would be going through around school time. So we thought that we would be late for school and see if we could catch it. Well it was running behind and so I finally took the kids to school and then the three little boys and I went back to see if we would be able to see it come down the track full steam ahead.

We had to wait a little while but it was worth every scream of excitment when it finally came through. The whisle began to blow and the boys began to scream, with eyes as big as half dollars, yelling choo choo choo. After the train was past Drew said "mommy more choo please" the fact that the train was going 80 miles an hour we did not chase it :) We will have to try to catch it when it comes back through.

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